Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater
One of Frank Lloyd Wright’s most widely acclaimed works, Fallingwater was designed in 1935 for the family of Pittsburgh department store owner Edgar J. Kaufmann.
The key to the setting of the house is the waterfall over which it is built. Historically, the falls were the focal point of the Kaufmann’s activities, and the family indicated to Wright their desire to locate their weekend house near them. Much to their surprise, Wright designed the house to rise above the waterfall, rather than face it.
Perhaps better than any single work, Fallingwater exemplifies Wright’s concept of organic architecture: the harmonious union of art and nature. It is the only major Wright work to come into the public domain with its setting, original furnishings and artwork intact. (More Information)

Addison Toll House/National Road
The Addison Toll House is an original structure along the National Road, which today is called U.S. Route 40. The National Road was the first highway built entirely with federal funds. The road was authorized by Congress in 1806 during the Jefferson Administration. Construction began in Cumberland, MD in 1811. The route closely paralleled the military road opened by George Washington and General Braddock in 1754-55. By 1818 the road had been completed to the Ohio River at Wheeling, which was then in Virginia. Eventually the road was pushed through central Ohio and Indiana reaching Vandalia, IL in the 1830s where construction ceased due to a lack of funds. The National Road opened the Ohio River Valley and the Midwest for settlement and commerce. (More Information)
Fort Necessity
The confrontation at Fort Necessity in the summer of 1754 was the prelude to the war fought by England and France for control of the North American continent. The struggle was known in North America as the French and Indian War and spread around the world as the Seven Years War. It ended in 1763 with the removal of French power from North America and India. The action at Fort Necessity was also the first major event in the military career of George Washington. It was the only time he ever surrendered to an enemy. (More Information)
Braddock's Grave
A marker along Route 40 memorializes the final resting place of British Major General Edward Braddock, leader of an ill-fated 1755 expedition to the forks of the Ohio River to try to capture French-held Fort Duquesne. (More Information)

Bear Run Nature Reserve's 5,851 acres makes it the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s largest property. With more than 20 miles of well-marked trails, the reserve is managed to protect, conserve and restore land and water for the diversity of the region’s native plants, animals and their ecosystems. Streams and watersheds, forests, and common as well as rare native species are the focus of management. (More Information)

Seven Springs Mountain Resort
Seven Springs is the state’s largest ski and four-season family resort and was recently rated the number one resort in the mid-Atlantic region by the readers of SKI magazine. It can accommodate more than 5,000 overnight guests in its renovated 10-story high-rise hotel, nearly 1,000 condominiums and town homes, cabins and chalets. (More Information)
Hidden Valley Resort
Hidden Valley offers year-round family fun ranging from golf and hiking to mountain biking, tennis, swimming, skiing, snowboarding and much more. (More Information)
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort
This five-star resort is located a short drive from Confluence along Route 40 and features year-round recreational activities ranging from golf and fly fishing to sporting clays, skiing and much more. (More Information)

Kentuck Knob was built for Bernardine and I.N. Hagan in the mid 1950s. The Hagan’s so admired Fallingwater, the home of the Kaufmanns, who were their friends, that they asked Wright to design a home for them in the mountains above Uniontown.
The Hagans moved into the home in July 1956 – their 26th wedding anniversary – and spent 30 years at Kentuck Knob. After I. N. fell ill, the Hagans could no longer remain on the mountain and so they sold the house in 1986 to Lord Palumbo of England.
Lord Palumbo opened Kentuck Knob for tours in 1996. It is located approximately 7 miles from Fallingwater. (More Information)

On July 23, 2002, nine miners trapped in the Quecreek Mine were rescued after 77 hours in a drama seen round the world on television. The five-acre site, located about five miles north of Somerset, is now a memorial to the tireless heroism of the rescue workers who saved the miners from certain death. (More Information)

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